I see two things that are problematic here.  one potential problem,  
but is probably OK in this example, is that you have a "vet" property  
defined on both Cat and Dog and they are both set up to eagerly load  
using a join.  this might create problems if you try to query for  
_Animal objects polymorphically, but if you query just for Cat or Dog  
individually it should be OK.   the other issue is that your queries  
at the bottom are filtering on a related table but are not setting up  
a join condition between the primary and secondary table.  you  
probably want to say:

print db.Query(db.Cat).join('vet').filter(db.CatVet.kennel ==  

print db.Query(db.Cat).join('vet').filter(db.CatVet.kennel ==  

if problems persist, turn on SQL echoing (using echo='debug' will show  
result sets as well), then step through the example and first ensure  
that the flush() populates the DB correctly, then take a look at the  
SQL issued by the queries to better understand what might be needed.

On Dec 29, 2007, at 6:08 AM, Dave Harrison wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've got a situation where I want to use inherited mappers, with joins
> to other inherited mappers.  However I'm getting some weird results
> where the following query should show no cat objects, instead I get 2
> back for both queries.
> Can anyone spot the flaw in my code here ?
> The api and test script are transcribed below.
> Cheers
> D
> ---
> testapi.py
> ====
> #!/usr/local/bin/python2.5
> from sqlalchemy import *
> from sqlalchemy.orm import *
> session = scoped_session(
>    sessionmaker(autoflush=False, transactional=True)
> )
> mapper = session.mapper
> metadata = MetaData()
> animalTable = Table(
>    'animal',
>    metadata,
>    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>    Column('type', Integer, nullable=False),
>    Column('name', String(100), nullable=False),
>    Column('vet_id', Integer, ForeignKey('vet.id')),
> )
> vetTable = Table(
>    'vet',
>    metadata,
>    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>    Column('type', Integer, nullable=False),
>    Column('address', String(100), nullable=False),
>    Column('kennel', Boolean, nullable=False),
> )
> class _Animal(object):
>    def printName(self):
>        print self.name
> class Cat(_Animal):
>    pass
> class Dog(_Animal):
>    pass
> class _Vet(object):
>    def printAddress(self):
>        print self.address
> class CatVet(_Vet):
>    pass
> class DogVet(_Vet):
>    pass
> animalMapper = mapper(
>    _Animal,
>    animalTable,
>    polymorphic_on=animalTable.c.type,
> )
> mapper(
>    Dog,
>    inherits=animalMapper,
>    polymorphic_identity=ANIMAL_TYPE_DOG,
>    properties = {
>        "vet": relation(
>            DogVet,
>            lazy=False,
>        )
>    }
> )
> mapper(
>    Cat,
>    inherits=animalMapper,
>    polymorphic_identity=ANIMAL_TYPE_CAT,
>    properties = {
>        "vet": relation(
>            CatVet,
>            lazy=False,
>        )
>    }
> )
> vetMapper = mapper(
>    _Vet,
>    vetTable,
>    polymorphic_on=vetTable.c.type,
> )
> mapper(
>    DogVet,
>    inherits=vetMapper,
>    polymorphic_identity=ANIMAL_TYPE_DOG,
> )
> mapper(
>    CatVet,
>    inherits=vetMapper,
>    polymorphic_identity=ANIMAL_TYPE_CAT,
> )
> def connect(uri):
>    engine = create_engine(uri, strategy="threadlocal")
>    metadata.bind = engine
>    return engine
> def create():
>    metadata.create_all()
> def drop():
>    metadata.drop_all()
> ====
> test.py
> ====
> #!/usr/local/bin/python2.5
> import testapi as db
> DB = "sqlite:///test.db"
> db.connect(DB)
> db.create()
> v1 = db.DogVet()
> v1.address = "12 Foo St"
> v1.kennel = True
> v2 = db.CatVet()
> v2.address = "29 Bar Rd"
> v2.kennel = False
> v3 = db.CatVet()
> v3.address = "29 Bar Rd"
> v3.kennel = True
> c1 = db.Cat()
> c1.name = "muffin"
> c1.vet = v2
> c2 = db.Cat()
> c2.name = "bagel"
> c2.vet = v2
> d1 = db.Dog()
> d1.name = "rex"
> d1.vet = v1
> d2 = db.Dog()
> d2.name = "bill"
> d2.vet = v1
> db.session.flush()
> print db.Query(db.Cat).filter(db.CatVet.kennel == True).all()
> print db.Query(db.Cat).filter(db.CatVet.kennel == False).all()
> db.drop()
> db.session.flush()
> >

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