u could workaround by adding another python property to Pet:
class Pet:
 directspecies = property( lambda self: self.species.species, ...)


On Sunday 15 April 2007 02:51:07 Brendan Arnold wrote:
> Hi there,
> Lets say I have a table with a foreign key that relates to another
> table with and 'id' field and a string field i.e.
> pets_table = Table('pets', meta,
>     Column('id', Integer),
>     Column('name', String),
>     Column('species_id', Integer, ForeignKey='species.id')
> )
> species_table = Table('species', meta,
>     Column('id', Integer),
>     Column('species', String)
> )
> class Pet(object):
>     def __repr__(self):
>         return "%s" % (self.__class__.__name__)
> class Species(object):
>     def __repr__(object):
>         return "%s" % (self.__class__.__name__)
> mapper(Pet, pets_table, properties = {
>     'species' : relation(Species)
> }
> Say pet is an instance of Pet. The species string gets mapped as
> pet.species.species when really It'd be best for pet.species to
> return the string and not bother with the redundant Species object.
> I could redefine __repr__ to return self.species but the Species
> object is still attached and without any debugging string.
> Is there a way to map data found in a table column directly to the
> principal ORM object without having to use a 'redundant' extra ORM
> object?
> Regards,
> Brendan

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