association_table is not needed here, forgot to remove it, when minimizing 
the code, sorry.

On Thursday, 30 November 2017 16:41:05 UTC+3, Анатолий Иванов wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> *TL;DR:*
> A mapping (class A) has a relationship(to class B). Lazy load is 
> specified. I want to 
>    1. manually select and filter data from B (the result lets call B')
>    2. select everything from A
>    3. outer join A with B'
> Problem: when doing 
> all_b = session.query(B).filter(B.value == 1).subquery()
> all_a = session.query(A).join(all_b).all()
> it performs correct SQL request, although, when accessing all_a.b performs 
> an extra SQL request and selects all B (not B'). How do i make select with 
> the joined data from my subquery instead of selecting whole data from the 
> database?
> *Long with working code:*
> I do some kind of scanner management. Each IP can have several open ports.
> import datetime
> from sqlalchemy import create_engine
> from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
> from sqlalchemy.pool import NullPool
> from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased, joinedload
> from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
> from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
> from sqlalchemy import Column, String, ForeignKey, Table, Integer, DateTime
> Base = declarative_base()
> association_table = Table(
>     '_association', Base.metadata,
>     Column('ip_id', Integer, ForeignKey('_ips.ip_id')),
>     Column('host_id', Integer, ForeignKey('_hosts.host_id'))
> )
> class Sessions(object):
>     def __init__(self):
>         self.engine = create_engine('postgresql://', 
> poolclass=NullPool, echo=True)
>         self.session_builder = sessionmaker(bind=self.engine, 
> expire_on_commit=False)
>     def get_new_session(self):
>         session = self.session_builder()
>         return session
>     def destroy_session(self, session):
>         session.close()
> class IPDatabase(Base):
>     __tablename__ = '_ips'
>     ip_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
>     # The hostnames that point to this IP
>     hostnames = relationship(
>         "HostDatabase",
>         secondary=association_table,
>         back_populates="ip_addresses",
>         lazy='select'
>     )
>     # Open ports
>     ports = relationship('PortDatabase', cascade="all, delete-orphan", 
> lazy='select')
>     date_added = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow)
>     def __repr__(self):
>         return """  IP=(id={}, ports={}) """.format(self.ip_id, self.ports)
> class PortDatabase(Base):
>     __tablename__ = '_ports'
>     ports_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
>     data = Column(String)
>     port_number = Column(Integer)
>     date_added = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow)
>     # The name of the related project
>     target = Column(
>         Integer, ForeignKey('_ips.ip_id', ondelete='CASCADE')
>     )
>     def __repr__(self):
>         return """  Port=(id={}, port={}) """.format(self.ports_id, 
> self.port_number)
> def create():
>     sessions = Sessions()
>     Base.metadata.drop_all(sessions.engine)
>     Base.metadata.create_all(sessions.engine, checkfirst=True)
>     session_spawner = Sessions()
>     session = session_spawner.get_new_session()
>     ip_1 = IPDatabase()
>     ip_2 = IPDatabase()
>     ip_3 = IPDatabase()
>     port_1 = PortDatabase(port_number=80)
>     port_2 = PortDatabase(port_number=80)
>     port_3 = PortDatabase(port_number=443)
>     ip_1.ports.append(port_1)
>     ip_1.ports.append(port_2)
>     ip_1.ports.append(port_3)
>     session.add(ip_1)
>     session.add(ip_2)
>     session.add(ip_3)
>     session.add(port_1)
>     session.add(port_2)
>     session.add(port_3)
>     session.commit()
>     session_spawner.destroy_session(session)
> def main():
>     session_spawner = Sessions()
>     session = session_spawner.get_new_session()
>     subq = session.query(PortDatabase).filter(PortDatabase.port_number == 
> 80).subquery()
>     ips = session.query(IPDatabase).join(subq).all()
>     session_spawner.destroy_session(session)
>     print(ips)  # This will fail, as 'ports' were not loaded due to 
> lazyload='select'
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     main()
> Any help would be really great, as i have read tons of manuals and other 
> resources, but still cannot find the solution.
> Thanks,
> Anatoly

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