gizli wrote:
> >
> From my understanding, some databases like MySQL does not support
> setting language for a particular DB session. Some others, such as
> Oracle, allows this. Is this ever considered in SA?

If you are looking for an application wide setting, there is an open-ended
API bywhich you can set up any per-connection activities desired within
the connection system - it is the PoolListener API which is described in
the API documentation.  For Oracle, you'd get access to each new
connection as its opened and you could establish whatever language
settings it allows.

If OTOH you are looking for something local to a web request or ORM
session, the same API also provides "on connect" events which you could in
theory configure based on a thread-local association with the "context"
you're working in, or you could ensure that a single Connection is
acquired for each context and configure it as needed at that level.  But
this advice all applies to the general question of setting attributes on

With regards to locale support for error messages, reimplementing an
"equivalent" feature to Oracle's locale support in pure python to simulate
the same feature on other databases which don't offer such a feature is
not feasible since every database offers hundreds of error messages which
change with each version, and are even reported differently depending on
the DBAPI in use to some degree.  It really becomes an extension of the
general issue of "normalizing error messages", something which gets
requested occasionally but which again would be an enormously complex and
always buggy feature, requiring constant maintenance and releases on the
kind of scale and level that only a commercial entity with full time
employees could feasibly handle.

> or is our only
> option to write SQL code to explicitly pass the language parameter to
> a session? Do you guys have a better answer?

that would solve your problem for Oracle but not a database like MySQL
which doesn't offer such a feature.

The bigger issue is that IMO its poor form in most cases to expose
database errors to end users, unless your application is intended to
expose the database as fully as possible in a server admin application
such as phpMyAdmin.   Other than that case, you usually would express
communication with end user via a datamodel which has specific behaviors
and constraints, and a controller/business/service layer which allowed
only specific actions (and specific error conditions) to occur.  
Messaging is then handled using a locale-aware view system which allows
you to configure translations for all possible messages in as many
languages as you need to support.

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