save() should not be a @classmethod.

also consider using the assignmapper extension which I think  
accomplishes what youre looking for.

On Mar 29, 2007, at 2:35 PM, Riddler wrote:

> Guys,
> I am having some difficulties in the following code. I skipped a few
> lines but basically I think the logic is very clear. In the line
> "" it produce the error which is pasted in part 2. I found
> that the "self" object under "save" method is different than the
> original one that i created by "u = BRUser()". May I ask if anyone
> here will have any suggestion?
> Thank you.
> Riddler
> Part 1
> -------------------------------------------
> from sqlalchemy import *
> from sqlalchemy.orm import *
> dbengine = create_engine('postgres://riddler:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:5432/
> riddler')
> metadata = MetaData()
> metadata.create_all(dbengine)
> class BRUser(object):
>       isRecordExist = False
>       @classmethod
>       def save(self):
>               session = create_session()
>               DBObj.session.flush()
>               self.isRecordExist = True
> BRUser_table = Table('bruser', metadata,
>       Column('user_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>       Column('username', String(50))
> )
> mapper(BRUser, BRUser_table, properties = {
>       'userID': BRUser_table.c.user_id,
>       'username': BRUser_table.c.username
> })
> u = BRUser()
> u.username = "riddler"
> ------------------------------------------
> Part 2
> -------------------------------------------
> sqlalchemy.exceptions.InvalidRequestError: Class 'type' entity name
> 'None' has no mapper associated with it
> >

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