while we are on the subject, i'd like to ask a question if i'm doing
it right or wrong.

i have created a class called Validation with a method called is_valid
and I have mixed it in my SQLAlchemy models. all of my models has an
attribute called validation that consists of model's attributes that
must be valid. it's like this:

class User(DeclarativeBase, Validation):
    validation = {
        'username': [formencode.validations.NotEmpty],
        'email': [formencode.validations.NotEmpty,

   # model definition here..

and then in my controller i check if model_instance.is_valid() and
then add it to my db. if it's not valid, i render the previous page.

let me know if you guys have any recommendations.

On 27 Eylül, 21:56, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> On Sep 27, 2011, at 1:57 PM, Kirk Strauser wrote:
> > Does SA natively support (or is there a module on PyPI that supports) 
> > client-side validation of SQLAlchemy objects? For example, I have this 
> > declarative class:
> >    class ImportedPayment(Base):
> >        __tablename__ = 'importedpayment'
> >        __table_args = {'schema': 'public'}
> >        paymentid = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
> >        externalid = Column(String(16), nullable=False)
> >        line = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
> >        invoicestatus = Column(String(32), nullable=False)
> >        quantity = Column(Numeric(scale=2), nullable=False)
> >        rate = Column(Numeric(scale=2), nullable=False)
> > Is there an easy way to do this?
> OK so the aspect you're looking for here is to define those validations just 
> once, this is easy enough through a recipe like this:
> def notnull(key):
>     def validate(obj):
>         if  getattr(obj, key) is None:
>             return "Object %s key %s is None" % (obj, key)
>         else:
>             return False
>     return validate
> _validators = {}
> def get_validators(someobject):
>     mapper = object_mapper(someobject)
>     if mapper in _validators:
>         return _validators[mapper]
>     _validators[mapper] = v = []
>     for prop in mapper.iterate_properties():
>         if hasattr(prop, "columns"):
>             col = prop.columns[0]
>             if not col.nullable:
>                 v.append(notnull(prop.key))
>           # ... ad nauesum, i.e.
>           #  if <something else about the column>:
>           #      v.append(<some other kind of validation function>)
>     return v
> def validate(someobject):
>    for validator in get_validators(someobject):
>        msg = validator()
>        if msg:
>             log(msg)
>             # etc., i.e.
>             # alert_the_authorities()
> > If not, why?
> So the theme for today is "why does SQLA have recipes", basically when we can 
> provide the core fragment of a feature but not a fully polished, documented, 
> tested, packaged result, something that can just as easily be delivered as a 
> small batch of customizable source code gets the job done pretty well, and 
> would be better suited as a separate library if fully fleshed out.
> The above recipe lacks a lot of features one might want, such as customizable 
> ways of defining the validation failure, behavior on the receipt of a failed 
> validation, etc.    A full blown "validation" library might use the idea 
> above but expand upon it in a much bigger way.    I've had other ad-hoc 
> validation use cases that wouldn't work with the above structure, instead 
> needing a slightly different structure, so having a small thing just as code 
> for now is more flexible than a built in "feature" that only handles a small 
> subset of use cases.
> > And if the answer to that is "because you haven't written it yet", would 
> > anyone be interested in using it if I were to create such a thing?
> You might want to check around if similar things don't exist already, I did 
> findhttp://pypi.python.org/pypi/SAValidation/andhttp://pypi.python.org/pypi/sqlalchemy_elixir_validations/for
>  example, there might be features there that are of use.   But by all means, 
> produce a better validation library for SQLAlchemy, the more the merrier and 
> I'd love to see more.

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