Ah, thank you so much.
Yes MySQLDB does support multiple result sets.
So off to the raw cursors i go.

Michael Bayer wrote:
> I dont know that MySQLdb (the adapter we use) supports multiple result  
> sets ?    you'd have to check its documentation.   but in general  
> SQLAlchemy's API doesnt support multiple result sets in one execution,  
> you'd have to use a raw cursor.
> On May 9, 2009, at 4:17 PM, Rodney Haynie wrote:
>> Hi everyone.
>> SQLAlchemy 0.5.3
>> TurboGears 2.0
>> MySQL
>> Windows
>> I am trying to execute a stored procedure call from my controller  
>> using:
>> result = conn.execute("CALL test_2resultsets").fetchall()
>> However, result will only hold the first result set.  I was  
>> anticipating
>> result holding all of the result sets.  In this case, the test stored
>> procedure is returning 2 separate result sets.
>> Is there a separate call I have to make to pull the second result set?
>> I have included the stored procedure code below.
>> delimiter //
>> CREATE PROCEDURE test_2resultsets ()
>> SELECT 1 AS my_id, 'Rodney' AS my_name;
>> SELECT 2 AS her_id, 'Angela' AS her_name;
>> END;
>> //
>> delimiter ;
>> Thanks for any help.
>> -Rodney
> >

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