> FYI, polymorphic associations to concrete mappings are totally
> unsupported in Hibernate,  an ORM that has a lot more maturity,
> widespread usage, and developers on it than this one...leaving me
> fairly uninspired to worry much about SA's similar limitations with
> polymorphic concrete mappings (even though SA has a better chance
> of supporting them, since we support mappings to unions).
> http://www.hibernate.org/hib_docs/reference/en/html/
> inheritance.html#inheritance-strategies
> concrete mappings and A->B->C->D inheritance doesnt strike me as
> very high priority at this point....what im becoming interested in
> from hibernate at this point is its ability to issue multiple
> SELECTs for one query, for polymorphic loading as well as immediate
> relationship loading.   thats of more generalized usage than SA's
> reliance upon UNION and elaborate LEFT OUTER JOINs.

that's all ok, i don't want u to do it, i want to know a how it can be 
done - if i ever need it.
Anyway i cannot use concrete polymorphic stuff now, so i don't use it.
But i do use table-inheritance, and there are some things there that 
do not work - or at least the way i'm using SA does not work.
See the other mail about lazy-reference to polymorphic mappers; seems 
to me the select issued for lazy-load is wrong:

SELECT pu_b.db_id AS pu_b_db_id, pu_b.name AS pu_b_name, 
pu_b."linkA_id" AS "pu_b_linkA_id", pu_b.atype AS pu_b_atype, 
pu_b."dataC" AS "pu_b_dataC", pu_b."dataB" AS "pu_b_dataB" 
SELECT "C".db_id AS db_id, "A".name AS name, "A"."linkA_id" 
AS "linkA_id", "A".atype AS atype, "C"."dataC" 
AS "dataC", "B"."dataB" AS "dataB" 
FROM "A" JOIN "B" ON "B".db_id = "A".db_id JOIN "C" ON "C".db_id 
= "B".db_id 
SELECT "bz4B".db_id AS db_id, "bz4B".name AS name, "bz4B"."linkA_id" 
AS "linkA_id", "bz4B".atype AS atype, CAST(NULL AS TEXT) 
AS "dataC", "bz4B"."dataB" AS "dataB" 
SELECT "A"."linkA_id" AS "linkA_id", "A".name AS name, "A".db_id AS 
db_id, "A".atype AS atype, "B"."dataB" AS "dataB" 
FROM "A" JOIN "B" ON "B".db_id = "A".db_id 
WHERE "A".atype = ?
) AS "bz4B"
) AS pu_b 
WHERE pu_b."linkA_id" = pu_b.db_id ORDER BY pu_b.oid

IMO the last WHERE would need a second FROM entry but it has only 

> On Feb 21, 2007, at 3:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> id use an association table with its own entity to make things
> >> easy.
> >
> > hm, u mean... A.link references that table by single id, and the
> > table contains the tuple (discriminator,id) ? But isn't this
> > another sort of table-inheritance? looks like a join to me... not
> > that i'm big specialist on joins.
> > And how to automate the secondary loadby(discriminator,id)?
> >
> >> On Feb 21, 2007, at 10:05 AM, svilen wrote:
> >>> g'day.
> >>>
> >>> How one can make such thing as a reference to
> >>> concrete-inherited polymorphic mapper?
> >>> e.g. if there are just two, A and B, B inherits A, both have
> >>> full concrete tables. A has polymorphic mapper.
> >>>
> >>> If both tables have separate primary ids, they will overlap as
> >>> values - table_A.id=1 for some A() and table_B.id=1 for some
> >>> B() are both ok; hence, query(A).getby_id(1) would return 2
> >>> objects via the polymorphic union.
> >>> in this case, the unique key within the polymunion seems to be
> >>> the id+type_discriminator; where type_discriminator effectively
> >>> means "this id is from that table".
> >>>
> >>> i see 2 possibilities here:
> >>>
> >>>  - use 2-field key: a tuple of discriminator(table_name) and
> >>> id-in-that-table. How would one make references to those
> >>> objects then? e.g. what would be the definition of Column(
> >>> 'mylink_id', ...) be ? it becomes a link to multiple tables...
> >>> Would the propertyLoaders support such multi-column key? or
> >>> make some constructed single key instead?
> >>>
> >>>  - use one common sequence for filling both primary-keys of
> >>> both tables. But this is limited to DBs which support
> >>> sequences...
> >>>
> >>> Any help?
> >>>
> >>> ciao
> >>> svil

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