hi michael,

thank you very much for your response. i have read the beaker cache
examples but i am yet to grasp it. the current solution i have found
is querying the relationships as well with the joinedload() and
caching the result.

after i fully understand what is going on and how to do it better with
the examples, i will do a blog post.

thanks again.

On 25 Aralık, 01:04, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> On Dec 24, 2011, at 5:38 PM, Mengu wrote:
> > hi all. i am caching my query results in redis with
> > sqlalchemy.ext.serializer.loads/dumps. like results =
> > DBSession.query(ShowContestant).all() and redis.set(key,
> > dumps(results))
> > when i do loads(redis.get(key)) i get the obj without any problems but
> > if i want to access any of its relations, i get this error:
> > DetachedInstanceError: Parent instance <ShowContestant at
> > 0x7f532403b1d0> is not bound to a Session; lazy load operation of
> > attribute 'videos' cannot proceed.
> > how can i fix this? please also let me know if i'm doing this proper
> > or not.
> You need to merge the objects back in.  See how the Beaker caching example 
> does this, it's in the distro and introduced 
> athttp://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/orm/examples.html?highlight=beaker#bea....

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