Ok, I found "Multi-column IN clause" is unsupported in Sqlite:

Is it supposed to work in MySQL instead or there is something wrong in
my sqlalchemy query?

I can't test it in MySQL now but it will be used in production

In Sqlite I guess I need to retrieve data from both queries in 2 sets
and make difference() between them.


On Dec 9, 3:28 pm, neurino <neur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I get an OperationalError trying to use tuple_ and in_ in a query with
> a
> Sqlite db.
> This is the query (select the distinct "id_acq - id_centr" couples not
> already present in another table)
> query = model.Session.query(
>     Dato.id_elab, Acquisizione.id_centr)\
>     .filter(Dato.id_acq==Acquisizione.id_acq)\
>     .distinct()\
>     .filter(~tuple_(Dato.id_elab, Acquisizione.id_centr)\
>     .in_(select([Sensore.id_elab, Sensore.id_centr])))
> I get this error:
> OperationalError: (OperationalError) near ",": syntax error
> u'SELECT DISTINCT dati.id_elab AS dati_id_elab, acquisizioni.id_centr
> AS acquisizioni_id_centr
> FROM dati, acquisizioni
> WHERE dati.id_acq = acquisizioni.id_acq AND (dati.id_elab,
> acquisizioni.id_centr) NOT IN
> (SELECT sensori.id_elab, sensori.id_centr FROM sensori)' ()
> I guess the ',' cited in error is the one on the 3rd row
> Now I wonder if it's a Sqlite limitation, the SQL string seems correct
> to me.
> Any advice?
> Thanks for your support

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