sector119 wrote:
> Hi all!
> Why I get "unbound method execute() must be called with Session
> instance as first argument (got Select instance instead)" with
> following code?
> from twisted.internet import reactor, task, threads
> from twisted.application import service
> from twisted.python import log
> from sqlalchemy import orm, create_engine
> from sqlalchemy.sql import select
> from eps.model import offices_table
> url = 'postgres://test:t...@'
> def create_session():
>     return orm.sessionmaker(bind=create_engine(url),
> expire_on_commit=False)

should be

create_session = orm.sessionmaker(...)

> def require_session(f):
>     def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
>         s = create_session()
>         try:
>             return f(session=s, *args, **kwargs)
>         except Exception, e:
>             log.err(e)
>             s.rollback()
>             raise
>         finally:
>             s.close()
>     return wrapper
> @require_session
> def _getTimers(session=None):
>     return session.execute(select
> ([offices_table.c.dayopen_time]).distinct().
>                             order_by
> (offices_table.c.dayopen_time)).fetchall()
> def getTimers():
>     return threads.deferToThread(_getTimers)
> log.msg('Timers: %r' % getTimers())
> application = service.Application('Timmer')
> >

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