I have this problem with setting relations with specific models:

Book :
isbn -> integer
translations -> many translations
prices -> many prices

Translation :
book -> FK to book
laguage -> FK to Language (oneTOone)
title -> string

Language :
code -> string
name  -> string

Currency :
code -> string
name -> string

Price :
currency -> FK
book ->FK
brutto -> int
netto -> int

so those are my models.

I would like now to get books that:
translation.title in english starts with "The" ( I don't need other
languages for this select)
price.netto < 100 USD ( I don't need other prices, only in USD for
this select)

There are 5 Tables to join.
Lets say I have 100 objects maching,  I dont want to hit the db 100

I am begginer in SQLAlchemy so please understand my maybe "Stupid"

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