I'm trying to insert a list of dictionaries into a table using 
bulk_insert_mappings(). When I call it, I get this error:

AttributeError: 'Table' object has no attribute 'mapper'

I'm having trouble (in general) figuring out which of the various ways of 
specifying my table(s) are appropriate. I've been doing this (paraphrasing 
because I can't copy out of my work env):

    import sqlalchemy as sa
    import sa.orm

    SESSION = sa.orm.sessionmaker()
    engine = sa.create_engine(...)
    metadata = sa.MetaData(engine)
    session = SESSION(bind=engine)
    mytable = sa.Table("mytable", metadata, sa.Column(...), ...)

The session object is created within a contextmanager as described here:


It's within the scope of that contextmanager (a couple levels down in the 
function call stack) that the call is made:

    mytable = metadata.tables['mytable']
    session.bulk_insert_mappings(mytable, records)

I clearly must not understand something about the parameter properties 
required of that function. The docs state:

*mapper* – a mapped class, or the actual Mapper 
 object, representing the single kind of object represented within the 
mapping list.

I thought I had assembled all the bits (engine, session, bound metadata). 
What's not mapped about my Table object?

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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