Hello list,

I've been having many stability problems with my first SQLAlchemy + 
mod_python application. By now I'm thinking it's all my fault and I'm 
not using these tools the way they are intended to be used. So I would 
like to know how do others organize their code to get something that works.

I got the following advice from a previous post by Michael Bayer:

> mappers are intended to be create-once-per-class objects (usually at
> the module level), whereas sessions are usually instantiated
> once-per-request, queries once-per-operation

What I do is to create an engine in a separate module that is imported 
at the beginning of my app. This module, which I call dbinit.py, 
resembles this:

db = sa.create_engine('mysql://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/mydb',
                       use_threadlocal=True, echo_pool=True)
metadata = sa.BoundMetaData(db)
users_table = sa.Table('Users', metadata, autoload=True)

class User(object):

sa.mapper(User, users_table)

That's it. I import it once at the beginning of the app and just assume 
SQLALchemy keeps a pool of connections for me and whenever I use the db 
variable to create sessions it'll be available and do the right thing. I 
don't use any connect/disconnect methods or anything like that. In fact 
a typical method in my mod_python site looks just like this:

import logging
import sqlalchemy as sa
from dbinit import *

def justatest(req):
     dbsession = sa.create_session(bind_to=db)
     query = dbsession.query(User)
     requested_uid = sanitize(req.form['uid'])
         user = query.get_by(Uid=requested_uid)
     except sa.exceptions.SQLError, details:
         logging.debug("got this error: %s" % details)
         return "Yet another crash"
         return show_message(req, "Looks good")

I have many methods that follow that same structure. And the whole thing 
works rather well while I'm the only one using it... but in the real 
world I get InterfaceError exceptions all the time, which others in this 
list identified as threading issues.

Michael Bayer also added that I should...

> ensure that you arent sharing connections or sessions between concurrently
> executing threads.

I believe my code above is free from these errors... Right? I leave 
SQLAlchemy the task of handling connections and I create and close 
sessions with each http request.

So that's it. I don't know if my app uses a weird structure that brings 
SQLAlchemy to its knees and I should be doing something else. How do you 
people organize your code in a simple mod_python + SQLAlchemy 
application? Is my code just plain odd? Any particular hints? Does 
anyone know of a solid open source mod_python + SQLALchemy application I 
could use as an example?

Best regards,

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