Hi there,

When creating another column property in a model that makes use of the 
exists(), I noticed that the exists does a "select *".

*For example, the form exists below:*
class Contact(ResourceMixin, db.Model):  
 __tablename__ = 'contacts'

form_contacts = db.relationship(FormContact, backref='contact', 

form_exists = column_property(
        exists().where(and_( FormContact .form_contact_id == id,
                            FormContact.partnership_id == partnership_id
                            )).label('form_contact_exist'), deferred=True
*prints out to be something like:*
exists(select * from form_contacts where form_contacts.form_contact_id == 
id and  form_contacts. partnership_id == partnership_id)

Does the exists "stop" the query once one row is returned or does it 
execute the entire select all query?
If the latter, is there a way to limit the select all to one row?


SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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