As noted here, I have been having some problems with SQLite

I went ahead and produced what I hope is a very narrow test case to
show that I am not explicitly holding onto connections (unless I
completely misunderstand, which is possible).  Here is my test code:

When I run this through a native Python wsgi server, I get the
following log:

Which has some ProgrammingErrors related to SQLite connections, but
they are caught and don't propagate to my application and don't
interfere with anything (as far as I can tell).

When I run the exact same code using PyISAPIe, I get the following log
file, which shows many exceptions all propagating up to my application
and hosing it:

The log files show 100 requests using apache benchmark tool.  In the
logs, the number in parentheses just before the message is the thread

Please help me with this.  I have a web application that I have spent
~150 hours on that I need to get working for a customer.  Everything
was ready to go, and I move it to the production box and start getting
these errors.

Thank you!
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