Hey all, we've been using SQLAlchemy for about 5 years now, currently with
Pyramid, but have not ever deployed to anything other than a standard vps
for a one client install. We're now gearing up to make some of our products
available as monthly subscriptions, and am looking for opinions and
pointers on that whole world. Our needs are:

- must be able to keep using SQLAlchemy, Pyramid, Chameleon, FormEncode
- must be able to connect to per-client db and central account management
db, likely using wsgi middleware for the central account part, but quite
possibly having the application talk to both dbs itself
- we're really small, so we'd prefer to pay more per user for high
reliability low headache situations
- ideally we'd like to know that as many users can signup as possible
without our interference, but I'm not married to that idea if everything
else leans another way
- we are unlikely to have that many users, and bandwidth use will likely be
low ( it's not likely to go boom and suddenly need to scale like crazy,
rather specialized client base)

The only things I've thought of are:
- do it manually on a big ass vps and monitor
- use Heroku
- ???

Another question I have, do most people deploying something as a SaaS set
it up so there is one python worker serving all the users or is it better
to have a python process/worker per user?

War stories welcome!

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