Dear SQLAlchemy/database Gurus,

I have a database (PostgreSQL 8.2) function that works --

mydb=# \df function_insert_label_relations
List of functions
 Schema |              Name               | Result data type
|                                    Argument data types
 public | function_insert_label_relations | void             |
parent_label_name character varying, child_label_name character
varying, locale character
(1 row)

mydb=# select function_insert_label_relations( 'operating system',
'Linux', 'en_us' );

(1 row)

(data verification outputs skipped)

And is called as --

Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(...))
s = text("select
function_insert_label_relations( ":parent_label_name , :child_label_name , 
result = Session.execute(s, {'parent_label_name':parent_label_name,
'child_label_name':child_label_name, 'locale':'en_us'})
for row in result:
    print row

which does produce the logs --

2007-12-30 13:23:21,704 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..6c
select function_insert_label_relations( %(parent_label_name)s , %
(child_label_name)s , %(locale)s)
2007-12-30 13:23:21,704 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..6c
{'locale': 'en_us', 'child_label_name': u'Linux', 'parent_label_name':
u'operating system'}

but didn't really do anything in the database.

What is missing there? Any tips/pointers would be greatly appreciated!

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