I am doing some work on a SA engine for Sybase Adaptive Server
Enterprise (ASE) on top of both pyodbc and the Sybase DB-API driver.
The existing sybase engine for SA only works with Sybase Anywhere

There is a problem with named parameters with the Sybase driver in
that the placeholders are prepended with an '@' *and* the execute
method expects any dict paramers to have have keys that also have an
'@'. I was able  to get the placeholders generated correctly by
subclassing the compiler. Any suggestions on how to get the execute
method to work nicely or do I have to do some much around with copying
parameters or monkeypatching the Sybase module with an implementation
of execute that will work with 'ordinary' dictionaries?


Error message is like this one .. note how the keys in the param dict
do not start with an '@'

There is no host variable corresponding to the one specified by the
PARAM datastream. This means that this variable
'type_1' was not used in the preceding DECLARE CURSOR or SQL command.
 'SELECT sysobjects.name \nFROM sysobjects \nWHERE sysobjects.name =
@name_1 AND sysobjects.type = @type_1' {'type_1': 'U', 'name_1': 't1'}

class SybaseSQLCompiler_Sybase(SybaseSQLCompiler):
    def __init__(self, *args, **params):
        super(SybaseSQLCompiler_Sybase, self).__init__(*args,
        # This is a bit tedious: the Sybase module (i.e. the thing
        # that you get when you say 'import Sybase') names its
        # placeholders as '@foo'.
        if self.dialect.paramstyle == 'named':
            self.bindtemplate ="@%(name)s"

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