I have a standalone utility using a model based on Declarative on
MySQL using SQLAlchemy 0.5.2.  Most of the code is at the SQL level
but at one point I use the ORM to update or insert a summary record.
So I figured I'd use create_session because it's a single-threaded

sess = orm.create_session(bind=conn)
q = sess.query(model.Monthly).filter_by(...)
monthly = q.first()
if not monthly:
    monthly = model.Monthly()

That raises "sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: No transaction is
begun."  To work around that I have to put "sess.begin()" after
creating the session.  But why?  I don't have to do this when using
scoped_session in Pylons.  The SQLAlchemy docs seem to say that it
automatically manages transactions if you don't change the default
session arguments, and that this works identically with Session,
create_session, and sessionmaker.  So why is it behaving differently

Mike Orr <sluggos...@gmail.com>

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