This is a fairly vague / abstract question because I'm looking for a design 
pattern -- I don't yet have any code built (except data importing) toward 
the problem.

I'm importing large excel files (using csv.DictReader)   (DB is MySQL / 

There are 3 columns in excel:

user_id  (int)
work_units_complete  (smallint)

date_worked  (date)

and values (work_units_complete) are cumulative across rows for certain 
date-windows (eg weekly, monthly, yearly)

A given user (eg # 25) may occur many times in the file, with different 
counts for various dates.
And some counts may occur on the same day, for the same user, but at 
different rows in the file.

I don't know till the end of the file if there will be more data for user 
#25, so its hard to know when to persist?

I need to end up with a DB record that looks like this:

user_id:   25

month_id:   7 

year_id:   2014 

json_text:  {

totWork_Week1:   4,     # sum total of counts for the week in question

totWork_Week2:   8,

totWork_Week3:   2,

totWork_Week4:   17,

totWork_CurMonth:   4,

totWork_CurYear:   8,


I thinking to store JSON because this is an over-simplified example and new 
counts (different types of work) will continue to emerge in the specs...

Also, I get multiple files during the month, regarding the same 
new data needs to be cumulative onto the prior counts.....a classic 
"get_or_create" pattern...

Can anyone point me to examples, docs or tutorials that will guide me in 
how to best do this with SA??

I could brute-force it but it seems like an excessive amount of I/O and 
constant committing of transactions without some higher-order design 

Thanks for all tips & suggestions.

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