i stepped on strange behavour (0.4 latest):
 class AB is an assoc proxy, .myb pointing to B;
the clause 
   AB.myb == B.dbid 
fails with NotImplementedError: 
File "sqlalchemy/sql/expression.py", line 1191, in __eq__
    return self.operate(operators.eq, other)
  File "sqlalchemy/sql/expression.py", line 1315, in operate
    return o[0](self, op, other[0], *o[1:], **kwargs)
  File "sqlalchemy/sql/expression.py", line 1277, in __compare
    obj = self._check_literal(obj)
  File "sqlalchemy/sql/expression.py", line 1421, in _check_literal
    return other.expression_element()
  File "sqlalchemy/orm/attributes.py", line 53, in expression_element
    return self.comparator.expression_element()
  File "sqlalchemy/orm/interfaces.py", line 432, in expression_element
    return self.clause_element()
  File "sqlalchemy/sql/expression.py", line 1170, in clause_element
    raise NotImplementedError()

these work (not the .property):
 AB.myb.property == B.dbid 
 AB.myb == 3 

AB.myb.property.direction is MANYTOONE
seems i'm missing something??
any idea or prepare a test case?

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