
I'm trying to create an association between two objects of the same
type.  For example I have table A and then I have an association table
that has two foreign keys to table A. 

What I'm looking for is to be able to say:


but the association_proxy seems only to be able to set the associated
column and doesn't fill in the both foreign keys based on the relation.

sqlalchemy.exceptions.IntegrityError: (IntegrityError)
species_synonym.synonym_id may not be NULL u'INSERT INTO species_synonym
(species_id, synonym_id) VALUES (?, ?)' [1, None]

I've also tried without using the association_proxy but I get an error
telling me that the collection I'm appending to expects the type of the
association table and not the type of the table I'm trying to associate.

sqlalchemy.exceptions.FlushError: Attempting to flush an item of type
<class '__main__.Species'> on collection 'Species.synonyms
(SpeciesSynonym)', which is handled by mapper 'Mapper|SpeciesSynonym|
species_synonym' and does not load items of that type.  Did you mean to
use a polymorphic mapper for this relationship ?  Set
'enable_typechecks=False' on the relation() to disable this exception.
Mismatched typeloading may cause bi-directional relationships (backrefs)
to not function properly.

Has anyone tried this or gotten it to work? 

See the attachment for the code.

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from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy

uri = 'sqlite:///:memory:'
metadata = MetaData()

species_table = Table('species', metadata,
                      Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
                      Column('sp', String(64)))

species_synonym_table = Table('species_synonym', metadata,
                        Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
                        Column('species_id', Integer, ForeignKey('species.id'),
                        Column('synonym_id', Integer, ForeignKey('species.id'),

class Species(object):
    synonyms = association_proxy('_synonyms', 'synonym')

class SpeciesSynonym(object):

mapper(Species, species_table,
    properties = \
            cascade='all, delete-orphan', uselist=True

mapper(SpeciesSynonym, species_synonym_table,
    properties = \
        relation(Species, uselist=False,
        relation(Species, uselist=False,

engine = create_engine(uri)
metadata.bind = engine
session = create_session()

species_table.insert().execute({'id': 1, 'sp': 'test species 1'})
species_table.insert().execute({'id': 2, 'sp': 'test species 2'})

s = session.load(Species, 1)
sp2 = session.load(Species, 2)

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