here this trouble...

i have a "forest" of bitemporal/versioned objects that are all linked 
via m2m relations, and all they "own" parameters, via m2m again.

any idea how to map something like this then without going down to 
    Doc.ver == ver
    and (
        Doc.dbid == Doc2Place.doc and  
   == ParamOwnership._place
        Doc.dbid == Doc2Position.doc and (
            Doc2Position.poz == ParamOwnership._poz
            Doc2Position.poz == Position2Dept.poz and (
                Position2Dept.dept == ParamOwnership._dept
                Position2Dept.dept == Dept2Dept.child and 
                    Dept2Dept.parent == ParamOwnership._dept
    and ParamOwnership.value == ParamValue.db_id

 Doc, Place, Position, Dept all have ParamValues (via m2m 
 Doc has Place and Position (via m2m Doc2Place, Doc2Position)
 Postion has Dept (via m2m Pos2Dept)
 Dept has parent Dept (via m2m Dept2Dept)
the last one is recursive, but i'll handle it somehow, adjacent sets 
or unroll several levels.

the good news is that i'm generating the above on level of tables/ 
plain column expressions (unrolling); the bad is that i may need all 
the intermediate objects as well... will add_entity( all them Doc 
Place Position Dept Ownership) do it?

another trouble is the ParamOwnership m2m, it has different links for 
diff. types of owners (mutualy exclusive), because otherwise i hit 
multiple inheritance. 

any idea about multiple inheritance? i.e. it looks like creating 
same object via different polymorhic hierarchies..


On Tuesday 10 June 2008 16:39:57 you wrote:
> g'day.
> i stepped on strange behavour (0.4 latest):
>  class AB is an assoc proxy, .myb pointing to B;
> the clause
>    AB.myb == B.dbid
> fails with NotImplementedError:
> File "sqlalchemy/sql/", line 1191, in __eq__
>     return self.operate(operators.eq, other)
>   File "sqlalchemy/sql/", line 1315, in operate
>     return o[0](self, op, other[0], *o[1:], **kwargs)
>   File "sqlalchemy/sql/", line 1277, in __compare
>     obj = self._check_literal(obj)
>   File "sqlalchemy/sql/", line 1421, in _check_literal
>     return other.expression_element()
>   File "sqlalchemy/orm/", line 53, in
> expression_element return self.comparator.expression_element()
>   File "sqlalchemy/orm/", line 432, in
> expression_element return self.clause_element()
>   File "sqlalchemy/sql/", line 1170, in clause_element
>     raise NotImplementedError()
> NotImplementedError
> these work (not the .property):
> == B.dbid
>  AB.myb == 3
> seems i'm missing something??
> any idea or prepare a test case?
> svilen

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