
For those interested, i've put a bitemporal mixin class under 
dbcook/misc/timed2/. It handles Objects with multiple versions 
(history), disabled/enabled state, and stays sane with  

The available queries are:
 - get_time_clause( times):
        return the clause to get the object-version for that timestamps;
        use to (further) filter some SA.query()
 - klas.allinstances( times ):
        return the last valid versions of all objects for the 
        (bitemporal) timestamp
 - klas.get_obj_history_in_range( objid, fromtimes, totimes):
        return all versions of that Object within given timesrange

It uses plain SA - as long as u maintain the required object 
attributes, it should work no matter how they appeared (by 

Required attributes:
   objid  - this keeps track of which versions belong to same Object. 
This should be incremented by special means, only when new Object is 
made (and not when new version of existing Object)
   time_trans, time_valid  - the two temporal dimensions. can be 
anything orderable - numbers, floats, strings, datetime, ...
   disabled - a boolean 
plus some class-setup is required, see begin of class Timed2Mixin.

It is there together with quite thorough test, and a complementary 
timed/ library, containing things like timed1 and timed2 
implementations over (python) sequences, timed* versioning support 
for python modules, some timedcontext etc.

todo: as ever, some documentation, and simple examples

svn co 


p.s. something learned around minor fix in dbcook.usage.sa2static: 
delattr( Myclass, attrname) calls Myclass' metaclass.__delattr__(), 
probably same goes for setattr. Thus the setting and clearing of 
InstrumentedAttributes can be controlled, maintaning/restoring the 
overriden original descriptors if any.

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