Hello list,
I have the following models (excerpt) which represent a scoring system
(the score is the "extra" value, it is linked to a scorecard):

class Scoring(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'scraper_scoring'
    scoring_id = Column('id',Integer, primary_key=True)
    extra = Column(Integer, index=True)
    extra_scorecard_id = Column(Integer,
ForeignKey("scraper_scorecard.id"), index=True)
    extra_scorecard = relationship(ScoreCard,
    weekstart = Column(Date, index=True)
    extra_rank = Column(Integer, index=True)

class ScoreCard(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'scraper_scorecard'
    scorecard_id=Column('id',Integer, primary_key=True)
    player_index = Column(Float)

I have a way of calculating the Scoring.extra value for a given
I can calculate the ranks of the scorings for a given weekstart in the
following way (SQL):
select scraper_scoring.*, player_index, rank() over(order by extra
asc, player_index desc) as rank from scraper_scoring join
scraper_scorecard on extra_scorecard_id=scraper_scorecard.id where
weekstart=%s order by extra asc, player_index desc

I would then like to store the ranks of all the scorings in the
following way:
update scraper_scoring set extra_rank=ordered_table.rank from (select
scraper_scoring.*, player_index, rank() over(order by extra asc,
player_index desc) as rank from scraper_scoring join scraper_scorecard
on extra_scorecard_id=scraper_scorecard.id where weekstart=%s order by
extra asc, player_index desc) as ordered_table where

I would like to write this in a sensible SQLA-oriented way, but I seem
to face various challenges; anyone have an idea how to:
- use PGSQL window functions
- update using a custom "from" clause: can I use my models here or do
I have to use an expression?
- do both at once
Thanks a lot,
best regards,

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