Re: [sqlalchemy] Database Reflection - Forcing column names to be lowercase?

2011-01-11 Thread Michael Bayer
There's no straightforward way to do that. Schemes to copy each Table to a new one with a lowercase ".key" attribute, using Inspector to generate the Table object programatically (basically means, implement your own Inspector.reflecttable()), subclassing Inspector (since it currently calls Ta

[sqlalchemy] Database Reflection - Forcing column names to be lowercase?

2011-01-11 Thread Harkirat
Hi, Is there any way that anyone knows of to force the column names to be lowercase when reflecting the schema from the database for e.g. appname = Table('appname', metadata, autoload=True) Other posts suggested overriding the database schema with your own but I would rather use SQLAlchemy's

[sqlalchemy] database reflection

2007-05-09 Thread Antipin Aleksei
Hi I'm studying examples of using database in pylons. SQLAlchemy is most commonly used here. But I don't understand why most of them use explicit column declaration. I want to use Postgres database which supports ALTER table statement. Following those examples if I need to change column name f