I was debugging some stuff recently and noticed different behavior in
one of my applications than I was expecting.
The behavior is the undesirable execution of some sql. The sql is used
to populate the value of a column_property. The column_property has
been deferred, however, and the property isn't even being accessed. I
narrowed it down to a strange interaction with transactions:

First, I'm setting up my session like this, if it matters.

DBSession = scoped_session( sessionmaker(bind=engine, autoflush=False,
autocommit=True) )

and later I have a mapper defined with one of the properties being:

'user_count': column_property(..., deferred=True)

Assume the property is on an 'Account' object.

For apps which do *not* demonstrate this behavior, they typically do this:

sess = DBSession()
sess.rollback() or sess.commit()

In this case, the app does this:

sess = DBSession()
accounts = get_the_accounts(...)

for account in accounts:
  # ANY access to the account object here causes it to be re-loaded,
  # including *all* columns and properties, even those that were
  # deferred.
  print account.anything

Thus, accesses to objects loaded by a session which has been rolled
back or committed not only re-load the object but all of the deferred
attributes as well. I even tried using deferred(...) on a standard
column and that, too, was loaded when I didn't expect it to be.

If I remove all begin/commit/rollback things work as expected.


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