I've been working on breaking Dialect.reflecttable into components so 
that they can be used independently (e.g. get_columns, get_foreign_keys, 
etc).  One of the original goals was to be able to do away with 
reflecttable and have the Inspector, engine.reflection.Inspector, 
construct the table using the more granular methods.  This has proven to 
be difficult because several dialects do something "special" when 
creating the table.  Oracle deals with synonyms, MSSQL deals with 
identity columns, etc.  So was thinking, this could be solved by adding 
granular table construction methods.

class SomeDialect:

     def get_columns( ...

     def get_foreign_keys( ...

     def reflect_columns(self, table, columns ...

     def reflect_foreign_keys(self table, fkeys ...

So the inspector would build a table with its reflecttable method:

class Inspector:

     def get_columns(...

     def get_foreign_keys(...


     def reflecttable(self, table ...)

         self.engine.dialect.add_columns(table, connection,
                                         self.info_cache ...

         self.engine.dialect.add_foreign_keys(table, connection ...

For the various reflect_* methods, there would be a default 
implementation on DefaultDialect.

What do you think?


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