Re: [sqlalchemy] do_connect listener called couple of times

2022-03-23 Thread Simon King
I don't have Oracle, but here's a complete runnable example using MySQL (hopefully the formatting will survive this time): import sqlalchemy as sa import MySQLdb # start with the wrong password to force a connection error engine = sa.create_engine("mysql://user:wrong@db/db")

Re: [sqlalchemy] do_connect listener called couple of times

2022-03-22 Thread Srinu Chp
Hello Simon, I tried your suggestion as POC: def setup_event_handlers(engine): @event.listens_for(engine, 'do_connect') def receive_do_connect(dialect, conn_rec, cargs, cparams): print("inside do_connect") print('password %s' % cparams['password']) try: print("inside try") return

Re: [sqlalchemy] do_connect listener called couple of times

2022-03-22 Thread Simon King
I don't know anything about Airflow. Are you sure that each of these tasks is running inside the same Python interpreter/process? I see Airflow can distribute tasks among workers: This sounds like a problem that is going

Re: [sqlalchemy] do_connect listener called couple of times

2022-03-21 Thread Simon King
As suggested here: In your do_connect handler, rather than calling engine.connect(), you need to call cx_Oracle.connect(), and return the result. You can wrap this in an exception handler that detects

Re: [sqlalchemy] do_connect listener called couple of times

2022-03-21 Thread Srinu Chp
Hello Simon, Thank you for prompt response. I really appreciate your help. I am trying to achieve password rotation and we are using secret client to fetch new password. I tried do_connect event and fetch new password from secret client, working as expected but we are facing performance issue

Re: [sqlalchemy] do_connect listener called couple of times

2022-03-21 Thread Simon King
I don't really understand what's going on in your code, but you seem to be calling engine.connect() inside your "do_connect" event handler. I would expect that to trigger another "do_connect" event, which in turn will call engine.connect() again, which will trigger another "do_connect" event, and

[sqlalchemy] do_connect listener called couple of times

2022-03-20 Thread Srinu Chp
Hello Team, I tried to create a standalone application POC for sqlalchemy to db connection. When I registered do_connect event, I see event is triggered couple of times for one call: ** import os import cx_Oracle from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy