Hi Everyone,

We are trying to switch to expire_on_commit=False in our project and our tests 
started to fail on the following scenario.

Our best guess is that the attribute is lazy loaded on first access and it is 
not refresh/expired when the relationships change.

Any good suggestions ?

## Modelclass Parent(Base):
    id = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.Integer(), primary_key=True, 
    childs = sqlalchemy.orm.relationship("Child", 
primaryjoin="or_(Child.father_id==Parent.id, Child.mother_id==Parent.id)")
class Child(Base):
    id = Column(sqlalchemy.Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
    father_id = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.Integer(), 
    mother_id = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.Integer(), 
    father = sqlalchemy.orm.relationship("Parent", foreign_keys=[father_id])
    mother = sqlalchemy.orm.relationship("Parent", foreign_keys=[mother_id])
## Test Code
father = Parent()assert len(father.childs) == 0 # SUCCESS

mother = Parent()
c1 = Child(father=father, mother=mother)assert c1.father is father              

session.add_all([father, mother, c1])
# Using refresh solves the assertion#session.refresh(father)            
assert len(father.childs) > 0   # FAILassert father.childs == [c1]      # FAIL

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