I'm having some trouble using the has() operator to avoid a long chain
of joins in a select.

A stripped-down version of my schema looks like this:  a Caller has a
(phone) number.  A Caller can create Connections (each to a phone
number).  A Connection can involve one or more Tasks, each of which
involves zero or more Actions.  Each one-to-many is represented by a
bog-standard mapper on an ORM object:

callers = Table('callers', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('number', String(20)))
connections = Table('connections', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('phone_number', String(10)),
    Column('caller_id', Integer, ForeignKey('callers.id')))
tasks = Table('tasks', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('connection_id', Integer, ForeignKey('connections.id')))
actions = Table('actions', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('task_id', Integer, ForeignKey('tasks.id')),
    Column('description', String(100)))

class Caller(object):
class Connection(object):
class Task(object):
class Action(object):

mapper(Action, actions)
mapper(Task, tasks, properties={
    'actions':relation(Action, backref='task')})
mapper(Connection, connections, properties={
    'tasks':relation(Task, backref='connection')})
mapper(Caller, callers, properties={
    'connections':relation(Connection, backref='caller')})

So, to find out what actions have been initiated by a given caller,
I'm doing:


However, this appears to generate a cartesian join on the 'tasks' and
'connections' in the EXISTS() subselect, which leads to extra actions
being returned.

Am I misusing has() here?  The obvious workaround is explicitly
joining or explicitly sub-selecting, both of which appear to work, but
I was hoping that using has() would produce cleaner code. :-)

A runnable, commented version of the example is at 

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