I'm working inside TurboGears, autoload everything.
Tested with 0.3.3 and Trunk.

I find this strange behaviour: when I declare a relation between a
Person and a Contract:

assign_mapper(context, Contract, tbl['contracts'], properties = {
    'responsible' : relation(Person,
                              # ambiguous... do an explicit join

Now, if I start the console, then run...

john = Person.get('johndoe')

gives me

AttributeError: 'Person' object has no attribute 'contracts_responsabile'

_but_ the very moment I load any contract:

cont = Contract.get('somecode')

_then_ john.contracts_responsible starts working and returns the list of
contracts that john is responsible for.

The same happens with any backref... i'm puzzled  O_o

If this is not a known feature/bug, I can try and reproduce it in a
standalone project


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