
I have following situation: I have 3 tables which stand as a base for
other stuff:

table_virtual_categories = Table("virtual_categories", meta,
    Column("id", Integer, primary_key = True),
    Column("id_parent", Integer, ForeignKey("virtual_categories.id")),
    Column("visible", Boolean, nullable=False, default=False),
    Column("kind", String(10), nullable=False),

table_virtual_items = Table("virtual_items", meta,
    Column("id", Integer, primary_key = True),
    Column("id_category", Integer, ForeignKey("virtual_categories.id"),
    Column("kind", String(10), nullable=False),

table_virtual_proposals = Table("virtual_proposals", meta,
    Column("id", Integer, primary_key = True),
    Column("id_previous_version", Integer,
    Column("id_item", Integer, ForeignKey("virtual_items.id"),
    Column("title", Unicode(100)),
    Column("dt_inserted", DateTime, nullable=False, default=func.now()),
    Column("dt_valid_from", DateTime),
    Column("dt_valid_to", DateTime),
    Column("version", LUnicode(100), nullable=False),
    Column("state", Integer, nullable=False)

Now I have some situations where I need to inherit some of these tables
but I want to keep the schema category-item-proposal:

E.g. articles: I need special columns for categories and proposals but
articles (~items) have no extra columns:

table_articles_categories = Table("articles_categories", meta,
    Column("id", Integer, ForeignKey("virtual_categories"), primary_key
= True),
    Column("description", UnicodeText),

table_articles = Table("articles", meta,
    Column("id", Integer, ForeignKey("virtual_items"), primary_key = True)

table_article_proposals = Table("article_proposals", meta,
    Column("id", Integer, ForeignKey("virtual_proposals"), primary_key =
    Column("body", UnicodeText),

So as you can see the table "articles" is quite redundant because it has
only the primary key column but I didn't find any other way to select
articles directly from the table "virtual_items" according to the column
"kind" without joining to another specialized table. Is there any way
around this to omit the "articles" table?

Thanks for advices.


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