
I'm migrating my Pylons application to the latest version of Pylons 
(0.9.6rc2) and SA (0.4.0dev-r3205) using the new scoped_session instead 
of the deprecated SessionContext. From the SA docs (0.4), there's a note 
about how .flush() works:


And here I saw that the refresh() method, I never payed attention to it.

Here is my scenario (abreviated):

Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autoflush=False, transactional=False))
mapper = Session.mapper

address_table = Table(......)
class Address(object): pass
mapper(Address, address_table, props={...}, order_by=name)

user_table = Table(......)
class User(object): pass
mapper(User, user_table, props={...}, order_by=email)

user = User.query.get(id)
address = Address()

# This will auto-query the DB to get the address listing.

Session.flush() # Uninstantiated 'Session' object

# This returns the user's addresses, but the newly appended address will
# be at the end of the list, not ordered correctly.
#return user.addresses

# So I re-build my query and re-fetch from the database that will return
# the user's addresses correctly ordered
return model.Address.query.filter_by(user=user).all()

I guess the last line is OK, but I thought using the refresh() method as 
it's proposed. But refresh() doesn't seem to be available from my 
uninstantiated scoped_session. Instantiating the Session gives me a 
refresh() method (and a bunch of others) but the code breaks earlier at 
the mapper() stage complaining:

TypeError: mapper() got an unexpected keyword argument 'order_by'

I might not be doing a correct usage of scoped_session though. Please 
let me know if I'm doing something wrong.

Alexandre CONRAD

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