Ran across a weird issue this morning, not sure if its even a SA issue, 
may just be PostgreSQL (8.3) being weird.
I recently merged two pgsql databases into one database with two 
schemas, and a foreign key connecting two of the tables.
he first schema is in the search path, the second is not. The problem 
occurred when I specified the schema='schamaA' in my Table() calls then 
SA wasn't able to see any foreign keys referencing it, but things worked 
just fine when I removed them.

I suspect the problem is that even though I am specifying the schema 
name in my "add constraint ...  foreign key... references 
schema_name.table.column", PostgreSQL only seems to store the table 
name, I believe this is because that schema is in the search path.

As I said, I have a work-around, just wanted to mention this in case 
someone else runs into this issue.
And of course SQLAlchemy is great and has made my life easier, and in 
general works like a dream.

The error message:
"Can't locate any foreign key columns in primary join condition 
'job.outdir_assetuid = nodehierarchy.uid' for relationship 'BObj.A 
(AObj)'.  Specify 'foreign_keys' argument to indicate which columns in 
the join condition are foreign."

Test case:
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
import sys

db_host = 'server'
db_name = 'db'
db_user = 'sqluser'
db_pass = 'notmypassword'

db_uri = 'postgres://'+db_user+':'+db_pass+'@'+db_host+'/'+db_name
metadata = MetaData(db_uri)

tbl_a = Table('nodehierarchy', metadata,  autoload=True) # works
#tbl_a = Table('nodehierarchy', metadata, schema='asset', autoload=True) 
# doesn't
tbl_b = Table('job', metadata, schema='farm', autoload=True)

class AObj(object):
    def __repr__(self):
        return self.name

class BObj(object):
    def __repr__(self):
        return self.name

a_mapper = mapper(AObj, tbl_a, properties = {})

b_mapper = mapper(BObj, tbl_b, properties = {
    'A' : relation(AObj, primaryjoin=(tbl_b.c.outdir_assetuid==tbl_a.c.uid))

def testy(session):
    bs= session.query(BObj).all()
    for b in bs:
        s = b.name
        if b.A:
            s += "," + b.A.name
        print s

    session = create_session()
except Exception, e:
    print e
    sys.exit (1)

sys.exit (0)

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