I'm doing some experiments to see what is the best approach to write a
lot of data on disk,

On file and running "commit" after every opoeration: Function in_file
took 64.531976 seconds to run

In memory and not dumping to file: Function in_memory took 0.242011
seconds to run

On file and committing only at the end: Function in_file_end took
0.633998 seconds to run

On file and using autocommit=True in the transaction: Function
in_file_auto took 0.259341 seconds to run

The most surprising result is definitively the last one, how can it be
almost as fast as the in memory version?
I guess it does some magic tricks behind the back, avoiding committing
all the time, is that correct?

Then probably if I want to have the file always updated the autocommit
sounds like the best option..

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