Thanks for the info.
Since it is NOCYCLE in oracle and NO CYCLE in postgres, I would check
the in the compile, method correct?
if == 'oracle':
sql += " NOCYCLE"
elif == 'postgr
Kent wrote:
> Any plans to support MINVALUE, MAXVALUE, CYCLE, NOCYCLE for sequences
> (for both postgres and oracle)?
> I've implemented a subclass of Sequence myself, but it isn't very
> elegant, because I'm not familiar enough with the code to know which
> methods to override for create() outpu
Kent wrote:
> Any plans to support MINVALUE, MAXVALUE, CYCLE, NOCYCLE for sequences
> (for both postgres and oracle)?
> I've implemented a subclass of Sequence myself, but it isn't very
> elegant, because I'm not familiar enough with the code to know which
> methods to override for create() outpu