On 19/04/2012 18:43, Michael Bayer wrote:
but with the possibility of dependencies between those tables. If I
understand correctly, if we were dealing with sets of tables that didn't
have any dependency, you wouldn't need a distributed migration tool,
each package would handle migrations for its own set of tables
independently, is that right ?

This is what I came up with for mortar_rdb: each package defined a "source" of tables and each application collected the sources it was using into a "config". Each "source" has its own schema. I haven't hit a situation where I needed the topological sort yet, I suspect if I did I'd just punt and make the owner of the config (ie: the application) specify the upgrade order manually...

I think what I need to see here are, what exactly are these packages,

Authentication, authorization and "membership" are the obvious ones; all three have several interchangeable solutions and I can certainly conceive packages for each interoperating with a few select foreign keys, username being the most obvious...

Admittedly, I haven't hit this in the "real world" yet.

I'm very keen to move mortar_rdb onto Alebic, and will be doing so as soon as I hit the need in the real world...


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