Hi all!

Is there support in Alembic for anything like the "redo" feature present in 
Ruby on Rails' Active Record Migrations tool? I often find myself running 
an "upgrade", followed by a "downgrade" and then finally another upgrade, 
in order to be sure the migration's rollback function is properly 
implemented. With the said tool there is a command-line switch that does a 
similar thing (i.e. downgrading a certain number of migrations and applying 
them again):

$ rails db:migrate:redo STEP=3
Source: https://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_migrations.html

I know that this would be a very minor helper, considering a simple bash 
script can do the trick. Nevertheless one may find it useful to find this 
in the docs and maybe even adapt their current development workflow? I'd 
like to know what your thoughts are on this.


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