[sqlite] select ... where problem

2012-09-20 Thread
insert into history (mdwkup,macdup,mdate,mdwkmd) SELECT (select count(*) FROM fxj where mdwkup=1), (select CURDATE()), (select round(avg(mdwkmd),2) from fxj) where datetime('now', 'localtime')>15:00 The sql command could not run ___ sqlite-users

[sqlite] how to update the Moving average value

2012-08-11 Thread
I hace many record of product database,and wanna count the moving average value of sales_vol of last 3 days(id) of value, how to write sql command? id Sales_vol mov_avg 1 1 2 2 3 3 =(1+2+3)/3 4 5 =(2+3+5)/3 5 4

[sqlite] How to run sql file in c++?

2012-06-17 Thread
How to run sql file in c++? I have a sql file contain any sql cmd and I will run the sql cmd file in c++, And I know use .read in sqlite shell cmd,but how to run the cmd in c++? ___ sqlite-users mailing list sqlite-users@sqlite.org

[sqlite] how to update the select commad

2012-05-06 Thread
update dzhhq set mnote= case when (select dzhhq.*,b.bs from dzhhq inner join (select bs,stkcode from buysell) b on dzhhq.stkcode=b.stkcode) then 'sell'||mnote else mnote end this command: (select dzhhq.*,b.bs from dzhhq inner join (select bs,stkcode from buysell) b on dzhhq.stkcode=b.stkcode);