Dear All


I am very new to SQLite and am trying to convert a Windows Forms C#.NET (VS2010 
SP1) application from an Access database to an SQLite one.  All seems to have 
gone extremely well but I have come across one problem that has held me up for 
several days now.


I have a table with a TEXT field that does not return the same string that was 
inserted.  The character that misbehaves is Greek letter "Ø".  In fact any 
character from the high end of the ANSII or ASCII table shows the problem.  


Since I have done nothing special in creating the database I believe it is 
encoded UTF-8 by default.  I assume that my inserted string is similarly 
encoded UTF-8 since I have done nothing special in my C# code to change this.  
The data in the database seems to be correct since the SQLite Administrator 
program correctly displays the data.


Why does the Selected data come back wrong, and how can I correct this.  
Clearly this is a bit of a non-problem otherwise every other .NET user would be 
screaming but I have searched for several days now without finding a solution.


Can anyone help me please? 

Thanks in advance


Andrew Leeder          




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