
i plan to code a quiet small application with a small dbms for data
So i looked around for a proper programming language and an
appropriate dbms.
My first thoughts went around microsoft acces and vb/vba. But i
remebered a project a few years ago when i had to enhance a small
programm written in vb and used ms access. I was very unhappy with
this and so searched for alternatives to vb and ms access.
I read through the mailinglist and now i'm not sure anymore if it's a
good idea to use sqlite and java for this project i'm working on.
The interface to sqlite is a javawrapper i found on the sqlite website
URL: http://www.zentus.com/sqlitejdbc/
A few words about the requirements of my application i'm working on:
an app with about 5 oder 10 tables, filled with up to 1000 rows of
data. It's planned as a singleuser GUI application and i don't think
it's becomming very large, maybe 20000 lines of code or somthing like

What's your opinion about my descision for java, sqlitejdbc and sqlite?

Thanks for your support!

kind regards


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