
I'm new to sqlite and have now the problem, that i couldn't access my 
database. When I try I get the following line.

sqlite.c:210 Unable to open Database=/usr/local/testing/db/test.db. 
ERR=out of memory

The database has nearly a size of 2GB. My guess would be that I've run out 
of addresses of the memory, or has it sumthing to do with the :memory:

The database is running on a Novel SLES10 with an IBM I6 cpu.

My question would be, how I can resize the db file or how to check if it 
is corrupted. Or what I can do to access my data. 
Or is it possible to configure sqlight to not load the hole database in 
the memory? Or something like that.

If someone could give my some hints or advices, I'm yery thankfull.

Sorry if that are a lot of stupid questions, but I'm only starting with 
sqlight and Linux. 

Best regards 

Elmar Rath
sqlite-users mailing list

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