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The attached Testcase.hs is a haskell program using sqlite, that
demonstrates what I think may be a bug in WAL mode. Based on the
documentation, readers in WAL mode are supposed to not be blocked by
concurrent writers. However, this test case demonstrates that a SELECT
can fail with busy in a WAL mode database that is getting a large volume
of writes.

To build:

apt-get install haskell-platform
cabal update
cabal install persistent-sqlite persistent-template esqueleto IfElse
ghc --make Testcase

I've been building it on Debian unstable. Note that by default,
persisten-sqlite includes its own embedded copy of sqlite, which is rather
out of date. It can be modified to build with the system library.
I have reproduced the crash when the test case is linked to version;
I have not yet tried a newer version.

To run:

rm test.db* (if ran before)
Run one Testcase process, and wait for it to print the Migrating line.
Then immediately run a second Testcase process. One of the two processes
will quickly crash:

..Testcase: user error (SQLite3 returned ErrorBusy while attempting to perfor

While running, it outputs '.' every time it successfully changes the
database. It's expected that some write attempts fail, as there are multiple
concurrent writers; if a write fails, it prints '!' and ignores the failure.

The crash comes when a *read* fails. WAL documentation indicates that
writers should not block reads, but this test case seems to demonstrate

Also attached is a TestcaseReader.hs. This only does reads, no writes.
TestcaseReader can be run while Testcase is running, and will also
demonstrate the problem:

user error (SQLite3 returned ErrorBusy while attempting to perform prepare 
"SELECT \"fscked\".\"key\"\nFROM \"fscked\"\nWHERE \"fscked\".\"key\" = ?\n": 
database is locked)

finally succeeded after 1 retries
all 1..100000 followup selects succeeded

The interest thing about this is that it shows that the failing
SELECT is always the first one made on a new database connection.
I've seen it need to retry 60+ times to get that first SELECT to
succeed, but once a SELECT does succeed, it seems it's past
the danger zone and the database can be used without problems.

see shy jo
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