[sqlite] Database corrupted 28 billion bytes

2015-01-16 Thread MikeD
I have a database that has become 28,268,814,336 bytes so downloaded the sqlite3_analyzer and it has been running for over 15-minutes. Task manager shows sqlite3_analyzer.exe using 13% and the memory stays steady at 23,768K. 19 handles, 1 thread(s). The database was a test database that has been

Re: [sqlite] Lock before beginning SELECT statement

2014-04-16 Thread MikeD
Is this true? A SELECT statement acquires a SHARED lock which block writers anyway. Source: http://sqlite.1065341.n5.nabble.com/Multiple-SELECTs-and-single-SELECT-and-TRANSACTION-td12752.html -- View this message in context: http://sqlite.1065341.n5.nabble.com/TRANSACTIONs-tp23854p75091.html

[sqlite] Lock before beginning SELECT statement

2014-04-16 Thread MikeD
If another thread deletes/updates or inserts while a SELECT statement is processing the results could be unpredictable? Would issuing a BEGIN IMMEDIATE before a SELECT statement solve this? -- View this message in context: http://sqlite.1065341.n5.nabble.com/TRANSACTIONs-tp23854p75089.html

Re: [sqlite] Lock before beginning SELECT statement

2014-04-16 Thread MikeD
SELECT automatically handles locking? https://www.sqlite.org/lockingv3.html If multiple commands are being executed against the same SQLite database connection at the same time, the autocommit is deferred until the very last command completes. For example, if a SELECT statement is being executed

Re: [sqlite] SELECT statement failure

2013-12-09 Thread MikeD
drop table if exists orders_tbl; create table if not exists orders_tbl(ord_total,discount,tax1,tax2,tax3,tax4,delivery_tax,delivery_fee,subtotal); insert into orders_tbl values(38.55, 0, 2.42, 0, 0, 0, .1, 1.5, 34.53); insert into orders_tbl values(3855, 0, 242, 0, 0, 0, 10, 150, 3453); select *,'

Re: [sqlite] SELECT statement failure

2013-12-09 Thread MikeD
Correction: USING REAL: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS T1; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS T1(F1,F2,F3,F4,SUBTOTAL); INSERT INTO T1 VALUES(38.55,2.42,.1,1.5,34.53); SELECT * FROM T1 WHERE ROUND(F1-F2-F3-F4,2)=SUBTOTAL; -- View this message in context: http://sqlite.1065341.n5.nabble.com/SELECT-statement-f

Re: [sqlite] SQLite_version

2013-12-09 Thread MikeD
This is how it is done in code: select sqlite_version() -- View this message in context: http://sqlite.1065341.n5.nabble.com/SQLite-version-tp72127p72830.html Sent from the SQLite mailing list archive at Nabble.com. ___ sqlite-users mailing list sqlit

Re: [sqlite] SELECT statement failure

2013-12-09 Thread MikeD
This will cause a rounding error so using INTEGER * .01 in second example. USING REAL: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS T1; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS T1(F1,F2,F3,F4,SUBTOTAL); INSERT INTO ORDERS_TBL VALUES(38.55,0,2.42,0,0,0,.1,1.5,34.53) SELECT * FROM orders_tbl WHERE ROUND(F1-F2-F3-F4,2)=SUBTOTAL; Using I