What I'm trying to do is a select on 2 tables so that the result would be 2
columns from the first table, a column from the second and another 3 columns from
the first one. I do:

select t1.a,t1.b,t2.n,t1.c,t1.d,t1.e from t1,t2 limit 3

What I get is the columns in the correct order but only the first row from t1
repeated 3 times and rows 1,2,3 from t2. If I reverse the order of tables,
(... from t2,t1), the result is also reversed, rows 1,2,3 from t1 and row 1
repeated 3 times from t2. What am I doing wrong, if anyone can help me? I'm using
sqlite 2.7.6 if that makes a difference.

Regards, Andu Novac

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