Re: [sqlite] 2 Threads - lock after Commit:

2007-04-22 Thread Ken
Matthew Veenstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello, I was wondering if someone can shed a bit of light on a problem I am having. I am using SQLite in a client setting on Mac and Windows. I have two threads. That I use SQLite in. The main thread uses this to get data and display it to screen. T

[sqlite] 2 Threads - lock after Commit:

2007-04-21 Thread Matthew Veenstra
Hello, I was wondering if someone can shed a bit of light on a problem I am having. I am using SQLite in a client setting on Mac and Windows. I have two threads. That I use SQLite in. The main thread uses this to get data and display it to screen. Then I have a worker or seco