Hi all,

I have three tables; users, propositions, and subscriptions:

  user_id         user_name               user_password           user_email
  -------         ---------               -------------           
  U000001         mike                    scott                   [EMAIL 
  U000002         steve                   wickham                 [EMAIL 
  U000003         kevin                   wilkinson               [EMAIL 
  U000004         anthony                 thistlewaite            [EMAIL 
  U000005         karl                    walinger                [EMAIL 

  prop_id         proposition             user_id
  -------         ------------            -------
  P000001         "Learn Chinese"         U000001
  P000002         "Boycott U2"            U000002
  P000003         "Come Back As A God"    U000003

  sub_id          prop_id          user_id
  ------          -------          -------
  S000001         P000002          U000001         --+
  S000002         P000002          U000003           |--> Everyone has decided 
to boycott U2
  S000003         P000002          U000004           |    (Steve isn't listed 
because he proposed it)
  S000004         P000002          U000005         --+
  S000005         P000001          U000002         -----> Steve has decided to 
learn Chinese
  S000006         P000003          U000005         -----> Karl wants to come 
back as a God

Given a particular user, I want to return the set of 'interesting'
propositions, i.e., those which were not proposed by the user and to
which the user is not already subscribed...

For example, if Kevin performs the query, his only 'interesting'
proposition is to "learn Chinese".

The propositions marked *Interesting* constitute the desired result
set for each user:

          "Learn Chinese" "Boycott U2" "Come Back As A God"
           -------------   ----------   ------------------
  Mike     Proposed        Subscribed   *Interesting*

  Steve    Subscribed      Proposed     *Interesting*

  Kevin    *Interesting*   Subscribed   Proposed

  Anthony  *Interesting*   Subscribed   *Interesting*

  Karl     *Interesting*   Subscribed   Subscribed

In short, returning to Kevin, I want to construct a single SQL query
that effectively subtracts B from A:

A: SELECT prop_id FROM propositions WHERE ( user_id != U000003 )

    P000001    Kevin can subscribe to these
    P000002    (because he didn't propose them).

B: SELECT prop_id FROM subscriptions WHERE (user_id = U000003 )

    P000002     He can't subscribe to this one
                (becuase he is already subscribed to it.)

Any help very much appreciated.


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