Hi All,
  I'm trying to work out if there is a way to use/abuse/extend SQLite and FTS5 
to allow me to do a query across two (or more) separate databases and then sort 
the results in a meaningful manner. In order to do this I really need the 
'global' elements of the ranking algorithm (e.g. number of times the term 
appears in the database) to be looked up in both databases first, then 
combined, and then fed into the ranking algorithm of each database.

I see that there is the fts5vocab table that would give me this, but there is 
the issue of stemming and splitting. E.g. if the user supplied the query 'apple 
banana carrot' then I'd need to be able to split and stem that phrase into 
terms before I looked them up in the fts5vocab table. If I could do that, I 
could then use the results from the fts5vocab table and feed them into a 
modified bm25 function.

Does this make sense? Or anyone else see any other way to achieve what I want 
to do?



Matt Hamilton
matt at quernus.co.uk <mailto:matt at quernus.co.uk>
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